de miaus Barbarizados
Barbara Millicent Roberts (to give Barbie her full name) is a positive paragon of understated elegance. She may have ridiculous breasts; but at least she is not parcelled up to look like jailbait.
Pony clubs and fairy princesses are, sadly, the girlish dreams of a bygone age.
Ultimately, the Bratz concept could end up being reclaimed by Mattel, which would make Barbie and the girls stablemates (I’d pay money to eavesdrop on that dressing room). Imagine if those five suddenly became NBFs (new best friends); we just might have to start burning bras all over again.nada q ver, pero estaba leyendo un artículo sobre Bratz y Barbie y no se, me dió risa, en si el artículo entero no es muy wow, pero esas partes me gustaron xD
en fin, los rucos me esperan apra ir a comer tacos, me voy, con un amoroso miau! xDDDD
you know you love me,
xoxo, GG
Sorry ayer nena :( estaba apanicada con xote... me siento mal nena no podré verte :( pero te i love you very much miau dijo el gato